This page contains the frequently asked questions by parents.
Do email to : Unity ICT Admin for any
For more information, you may refer to the PDLP Student Device Information Kit here.
Personalized Learning Device
Device, Warranty, Insurance and Security
Finance-related questions
Data Protection
Personalized Learning Device
1 . Can my child not purchase the device?
For teaching and learning purposes, every student will be required to
have a device. It is strongly encouraged to purchase the device through
our school via MOE’s bulk tender.
In order to ensure a smooth learning experience and uniformity of systems
and software, students are encouraged to use the device model prescribed
by the school. The device purchased through the school will come with the
warranty, insurance and technical support.
2 . Can we bring our own device?
Students who already have their own devices will have to check with
the school to ascertain whether the specifications of their existing devices
meet our school’s requirements.
These existing devices must be installed with a Device Management Application (DMA)
software to provide a safe learning experience for them and to prevent
misuse of the devices.
The DMA is fully funded by the school and will be uninstalled from
the devices when they graduate/leave the school.
3 . Can my child share the device with his siblings?
As your child will be using the device during and after school, we would strongly encourage for them to have their own device. This will provide them with a smoother learning experience.
4 . Will the PLD and SLS resources replace textbooks?
With the PLD, this allows students to access curriculum-aligned resources in the SLS in and out of class at their own pace to complement their learning. The PLD and SLS resources will not fully replace textbooks as it serves as curriculum-aligned references for students.
Device, Warranty, Insurance and Security
5 . What device will the students be purchasing?
The students will be purchasing a Chromebook.

6 . What does the device bundle include?
It includes these items as well as the device ( stylus, charger, mouse, bag, earpiece)
Combination Cable Lock ( The cable lock is necessary to ensure security of the device in class and out of class)
Insurance and Warranty (3-year warranty and 3-year insurance, 2 repairs or 1 replacement claim)
7 . What is the expected weight of the device? Are there concerns that it may be too heavy for students to carry to and from their home on a daily basis?
MOE has taken factors such as size and weight of the devices into consideration when preparing the tender specifications for the Bulk Tender. One considerations of the selection of device is that it will weigh less than 1.5kg and smaller than 13"inch.
8 . What happens if my child's device is spoilt?
Technical support will be provided to students through:
Service-desk support in School - ICT Centre is open from 7.30am-4.30pm every Monday to Friday
-> Trouble-shooting of device issues
-> Solve connectivity issues -
For repair of devices ( hardware issues) - the device will be collected from the school to be sent for repairs. Depending on the issue and the availability of parts, there will be an average of 2-3 weeks turnaround time.
During this time, a temporary loan school-owned device will be issued to students while waiting for their devices to be repaired.
9 . What is the insurance coverage like?

*The insurance coverage is only applicable to situations of damages and loss where the student has exercised duty of care and taken precautions to safeguard the device. Acer will make the necessary assessment for claim eligibility.
10 . Will my child/ward be allowed to store the device in school overnight? Where will students store their devices when they go for recess or PE lessons?
Students are expected to secure their devices to their table using the
cable lock that will be purchased in the device bundle. Classrooms
will be locked when students are out for CCA, recess and PE lessons to
ensure greater security.
Students should bring home the devices at the end of the school
day so that they can utilise them for learning at home.
11 . How frequently will the devices be used in class? Is there a recommended limit to screen time in class?
There is no recommended screen time as it depends very much on the nature of the activity. According to the American Academy of Paediatrics (2016), there is no one-size-fits-all approach to limiting the amount of screen time for teenagers. The academy recommends that screen time takes into consideration a child’s developmental stage, how the technology is used, and the quality of the content and design of the material. Schools will design their learning programmes to ensure that the students’ use of PLDs is balanced in relation to other activities and modes of learning.
Finance-related questions
Funding Support for Singapore Citizen (SC) Students
The cost of the device bundle can be paid using your child’s Edusave account, after setting aside provision for payment of second-tier miscellaneous fees.
To ensure the affordability of devices, MOE has provided Edusave top-ups of $200 in 2020 to 2022, and $300 in 2023, to all eligible Singaporean students in primary and secondary schools.
This is on top of the annual $290 credited into the Edusave account for Secondary School students and $230 for Primary School students.
For students on MOE-FAS, subsidies are available even if there is insufficient Edusave balance. The cash out-of-pocket will be $0.
Subsidies will be provided for SC who need support, particularly those
whose Gross Household Income (GHI) is equal or below $3,000 or Per Capita
Income (PCI)# is equal or below $750.
For more details on financial assistance, please approach the school.
Funding Support for Non-Singapore Citizen Students
Permanent residents (PR) and international students (IS) who need support
could apply for subsidies, particularly those whose Gross Household Income
(GHI) is below $4000 or Per Capita Income (PCI)# is below $1000.
For more details, please approach the school.
12 . My child is a Singaporean Citizen. How much do we have to pay for the device?
Your child can use his Edusave account to pay for the device. Should there
be insufficient Edusave funds, your child can pay via Giro/Cheque.
You can check for the edusave balance at 62600777
13 . My child is on MOE-FAS. How much do we have to pay for the device?
There are subsidies even your child has insufficient funds in the Edusave
account. The cash out-of-pocket will be $0.
14 . My child is a PR. How much do we have to pay and how to make payments?
There is no subsidies for PR or IS students hence they will need to pay the full amount of the device. Payment can be made via Giro/Cheque for Permanent Residents (PR) or International Students (IS).
15 . What are some applications the students need to use?
The school will progressively roll out IT applications that will be vital to students’ learning experience and educational journey. In the following months, the school will roll out some or all of the following applications:
(a) Student iCON: Every secondary school student
will be given an email address. This is a service provided by Google
as part of Google Suite.
(b) Microsoft Pro Plus: Every secondary school student
will be able to use Microsoft Office tools that include Word, PowerPoint
and Excel.
Your child will be guided and informed on the log-in process for these applications.
Data Protection
16 . How will my child’s/ward’s data be used in the PLD and IT Applications?
DMA. The Device Management Application (DMA) which will be installed in your child's/ward’s PLD collects data on usage by the student, such as the amount of time spent on each application. The DMA data will only be used for MOE’s cyber-wellness measures and technical troubleshooting. MOE will not disclose the data to any person otherwise than permitted under the law.
IT Applications.
For the IT Applications (student iCON, Microsoft ProPlus and Zoom), the
school will use your child’s/ward’s personal data such as his/her name,
birth certificate number and class to set up user accounts. This data will
also be used for the purposes of authenticating and verifying user identity, troubleshooting
and facilitating system improvements. In addition, the commercial providers
of these platforms (e.g. Google, Microsoft) will collect and deal
with user data generated by your child’s/ward’s use of these applications.
The collection use and disclosure of such data are governed by the commercial
provider’s terms of use, which can be found here:
Student iCON: https://workspace.google.com/terms/education_terms_japan.html
Microsoft Pro Plus: https://portal.office.com/commerce/mosa.aspx