School Expectations
School Expectations
School Rules & Code Of Conduct
The school’s School Rules and Code of Conduct are set up to inculcate good habits and internalise our school values of Respect, Compassion, Commitment, Integrity and Perseverance . As students apply themselves to the Code of Conduct, they will grow to be Unitians who can Lead Self, Serve Others, Actualise Self and Inspire Others .

1. |
Pride and Respect for Nation and School |
1.1 |
All students must attend the daily morning assembly for the flag-raising and pledge-taking ceremony. |
1.2 |
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart. Students will take the pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. Non-citizens must stand at attention during the entire ceremony. |
1.3 |
All students must sing the school song with pride on mornings when the school song is played and school flag is raised. |
1.4 |
Pride in the school takes the form of each student's support at competitions and all organized school activities. |
2. |
Integrity for Self and Respect for Other |
2.1 |
All students must be on their best behaviour both in and out of school at all times. |
2.2 |
Students should behave in a respectful manner and be courteous to the Principal, Vice-Principals, teachers, staff members, vendors, and all visitors to the school. |
2.3 |
All students should also be respectful and kind towards their peers. |
2.4 |
All students are ambassadors of Unity Secondary School and should carry themselves in a manner appropriate to the occasion when they are in and out of school. |
3. |
Personal Decorum |
The school uniform is a representation of the school and its tradition and heritage. The way the uniform is worn shall not reflect an individual's preferences. Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed. Please see the accompanying table and images for how the school uniform must be worn in school. |
Uniform Policy • Mondays: FULL uniform • Tuesdays to Thursdays: HALF uniform (PE T-shirt & pants/skirt) • Fridays: Respective CCA attire Holidays or Term Breaks: Half uniform or attire as instructed by teachers |
Figure 1

Figure 2

3.1 |
School Uniform |
The full school uniform should be worn on all days when students do not have PE lessons or official sport activities during curriculum time. It consists of: |
a. |
School collared shirt and pants, |
b. |
School blouse and skirt, |
c. |
School collar badge, |
d. |
Unity socks and black shoes. |
3.2 |
PE Attire |
The PE attire should be worn during PE lessons and when students are taking part in various official school events, as prescribed by a teacher. It consists of: |
a. |
School PE shirt, |
b. |
School PE shorts |
3.3 |
Putting on the School Uniform and PE Attire |
a. |
No modification of the school uniform and PE attire is allowed. |
b. |
The school uniform and PE attire must be worn in a dignified manner. |
c. |
All students must wear the school collar badge on the left side of the collar. |
d. |
All students are to wear black shoes with black laces and Unity socks. |
e. |
Socks must cover the ankles. |
f. |
Slippers are not to be worn in the school premises at any time. |
g. |
Students with medical conditions must seek special permission to wear special footwear. |
h. |
During cold / rainy weather, only plain and simple sweaters are allowed. |
3.4 |
Class T-Shirt (Optional Attire) |
a. |
The use of Class T-shirts can be a good way to promote class identity and help foster strong bonds among classmates. The Class T-shirt is highly visible and easily identifiable when worn in the school or in public. |
b. |
It is recommended that class T-shirt designs do not include individual students’ names for safety reasons. They may include students’ index numbers instead. |
c. |
No offensive words or graphics are allowed. The use of slang words should be avoided. |
d. |
Class slogans are permitted but these should be phrased in proper, grammatical form. |
e. |
Design must include ‘Unity Secondary School’ or ‘USS’. |
f. |
Design must be vetted and approved by the Discipline Committee. |
3.5 |
Accessories and Make-up |
Students are not allowed to wear unnecessary accessories to school. |
a. |
No earrings, chokers, neck/wrist chains, fancy watch straps, other forms of jewellery and accessories are allowed. |
b. |
Boys are not allowed to wear any forms of ear studs or ear sticks. Girls are allowed only 1 pair of simple ear studs that should not be more than 2mm in diameter. |
c. |
Fanciful spectacles and coloured contact lenses are not allowed. |
d. |
Makeup on the face or body; tattoos and/or any form of body art is not allowed. |
3.6 |
Hairstyle and Personal Hygiene |
Students must adhere to hair guidelines at all times. Students may be sent for a haircut by a barber appointed by the School if hair guidelines are not adhered to. |
Guidelines for boys |
a. |
Boys’ hair must be short, neat and tidy with natural colour. |
b. |
There must be no tinting, dyeing, highlighting or perming of hair. |
c. |
Fringe must not fall across cheeks or cover the eyebrow when combed down. |
d. |
Hair at the back should not touch the collar. There should be a distinctive and gradual slope. The slope should not be stepped, undercut or overlap. |
e. |
Hair at the crown must not be too thick or bushy. |
f. |
Hair at the sides must not touch the ears. Side-burns are not allowed. |
g. |
Hair should not incorporate undercuts or overlap or any other inappropriate styles. |
h. |
Hair products are to be used only to keep the hair neat and in place. They are not meant to create fancy designs. |
i. |
Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance. |
j. |
Beard and moustache are not allowed. |
k. |
Fingernails must be short and unvarnished. |
Guidelines for girls. |
k. |
Girls’ hair must be neat and tidy with natural colour. |
l. |
Girls should not have any inappropriate or outlandish hairstyle. |
m. |
No tinting, dyeing, highlighting or perming of hair. |
n. |
Hair must not fall across cheeks or cover the eyes. |
o. |
Long hair must be tied up neatly with simple hair accessories that are black in colour. |
p. |
Fingernails must be short and unvarnished. |
Table 1.
Sideburn should not exceed mid-ear level
Hair at the front must be above both eyebrows
Hair at the back must be sloped and should not touch the collar
Fringe should be above the eyebrows.
Long hair must be tied up
Only black hair accessories with simple designs are allowed
4. |
School Properties and Cleanliness |
School property should be handled with pride and care. There must be no misuse or act of vandalism of school property. Students should report any damaged property to the Operations Manager immediately. |
4.1 |
Students must return all furniture, equipment, or instruments to their respective places/classrooms after use. |
4.2 |
No students is allowed to enter the Staff Room, Staff Lounge, Staff Toilets, and Special Rooms such as the science and computer laboratories, and technical workshops without the presence of a teacher or school staff. |
4.3 |
Students are not allowed to stay in the classrooms during recess or lunch breaks, or when there is no lesson being conducted unless permission has been granted by a teacher. |
4.4 |
All students are to refrain from taking food and/or drinks to premises beyond the school canteen. All food and drinks are to be consumed in the school canteen only. |
4.5 |
Disposable cutlery and plastic bottles are not allowed outside the school canteen. |
Leading Self, Serving Others
5. |
Punctuality and Attendance |
Punctuality is an important habit to be cultivated among students. |
5.1 |
All students are to attend the morning assembly, scheduled lessons, talks, CCA sessions and school events punctually. |
5.2 |
A student is considered to be late for school when he/she fails to be with his/her class at the point of assembly (parade square/hall/classrooms) at 7.25am. |
5.3 |
Students who are absent from school must inform their parents to call up the school to inform the General Office staff on the morning of their absence. |
5.4 |
Students who are absent will be marked as "Absent with Medical Certificate" if their absence is accompanied by a Medical Certificate(MC). |
5.5 |
Students who are absent maybe marked or "Absent with Valid Reason" on
a case-by-case basis if their absence is accompanied by a letter of excuse
from parents/guardians.
5.6 |
Students must submit their MC or parents' letter on the day they return to school. Students will be considered to be playing truant if no supporting documents are submitted within 3 days of a student's return from absence. |
5.7 |
Students who are late must take responsibility of his/her attendance by:
5.8 |
Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for school without valid reason will be subjected to disciplinary actions. |
5.9 |
Late-comers will have to see Level Mentors or Student Managers for further remediation after school. |
5.10 |
Students who do not achieve 75% attendance within a school year may be deemed ineligible to take the school's promotional examinations. |
6. |
Safety and Personal Belongings |
Students are discouraged from bringing expensive items/gadgets, or large amounts of cash to school. To help ensure students' personal safety and protection, students should practice vigilance at all times. |
6.1 |
Students are to keep their valuables with them at all times. Personal valuables should not be left in a class rooms or open space unattended. |
6.2 |
It is students' individual responsibility to ensure that their belongings are kept safe or in-sight at all times. |
6.3 |
Students may opt to make use of school lockers to safe keep their belongings. |
7. |
Cyber Wellness |
All students must be responsible for their actions and words online. Respect and compassion should be demonstrated in students' use of social media platforms or any online applications. Inappropriate usage of online platforms and tools will not be tolerated. |
7.1 |
Students should protect themselves from cyber crimes by observing good and safe practices online; should report any inappropriate activities to the school. |
8. |
Electronics Devices |
While in school, the use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, tablets etc. should primarily serve as tools of communication in times of emergency. Electronic devices should not be serve as distractions during official school activities. |
8.1 |
Students are not to use their mobile phones in any venues deployed for teaching and learning. These venues includes all classrooms, laboratories, library, special rooms, school hall etc. |
8.2 |
The use of electronic devices is not allowed during official school activities unless sanctioned by the teacher-in-charge. |
8.3 |
Electronic devices must be kept in the school bag and not to be left on or under the desk. |
8.4 |
Students must ensure that their mobile phones are on silent at all times. |
8.5 |
Charging of electronic devices in school is not allowed or else they will be removed for safe-keeping. |
8.6 |
Students shall be responsible and accountable for the safe-keeping of their personal devices. The school is not responsible for the loss of any personal devices. |
8.7 |
Students who infringe rules of the usage of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices may have their devices removed for safe-keeping. |
9. |
Unauthorised items |
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others. Unauthorised items such as dangerous tools, weapons, any weapon-like item, illegal substances, cigarettes or lighters are strictly prohibited. |
9.1 |
All such items will be confiscated permanently. |
9.2 |
Students in possession of such items are deemed to have committed a major offence. |
9.3 |
Disciplinary action will be taken accordingly to ensure the safety of the school community. |
10. |
Major Offences |
The School reserves the right to take actions deemed appropriate for the best interest of the students, staff, school, and community at large. The School also reserves the right to review the School Rules and Code of Conduct and make amendments where necessary. |
10.1 |
Consequences for these offences include: detention, caning and/or suspension from school, a change in conduct rating, corrective work order, students’ work being awarded a zero mark (for test- and examination-related offences) and counselling. These will be meted out on a case-by-case basis. |
10.2 |
Parent/Guardian-Teacher conferences will also be conducted as part of our efforts to partner with parents and guardians in the discipline and support of students. |
10.3 |
Students who have committed major offences will not be allowed to represent Unity Secondary School for any events. They will not be eligible for any awards, incentives and/ or go on overseas trips. |
Table 2.

Discipline Referral Process