Table Tennis
Table Tennis
Direct School Admission (DSA)
Actualising Sportsmanship Through Table Tennis Programme
The DSA-Sec Exercise was first introduced in 2004 as part of MOE's move towards a more flexible and broad-based education system. Under the DSA-Sec Exercise, participating secondary schools will be able to select a percentage of their students for admission outside of the centralised posting system, through their own selection criteria. These criteria can include diverse academic and non-academic achievements and talents.
Unity Secondary School will be offering up to 20% of the Secondary One places to students with talent in table tennis, to build on our niche area in table tennis.
School Vision
Our vision is to nurture students to Lifelong Learners, Inspiring Leaders. We believe that sports provide a platform to equip our students with the values of Respect, Compassion, Commitment, Integrity and Perseverance to develop the child leadership qualities.
Consistent improvement in performance for B Division Girls in National School Games (NSG)
Unity Secondary School’s Table Tennis CCA provides a conducive environment for our players to develop character and to achieve excellence.

Unity Secondary School provides ample opportunities and a comprehensive development programme to groom our table tennis players into outstanding players. Besides building the essential skills and knowledge, the programme is structured to provide players with a range of experiences that go beyond just playing of the game.
These include:
Video & audio recording of matches for reflective learning (using learning journals)
Organising internal & friendly competitions with other schools
Mentoring of junior players by seniors & alumni, apart from coaching sessions.
Umpiring matches
Organising intra- and inter-school invitational tournaments
We have a team of passionate, committed and experienced teachers and coaches who oversee the physical, social and emotional well-being as well as the academic progress of the players.
For more information on our school and DSA programmes, do visit our DSA website at
Selection Criteria
Table Tennis Skills Assessment
Applicants will undergo a table tennis skills assessment which includes evaluation of fore-hand, back-hand, hand-eye coordination (reflexes) and footwork.
Applicants will go through an interview on the selection day.
Review of primary school academic results, testimonials, conduct and CCA records.
Parents and students are encouraged to choose schools wisely based on the student’s aptitudes and strengths, bearing in mind the schools’ academic and non-academic requirements, and the programmes available to develop the area of talent.
Students who are successfully admitted to the school through DSA are expected to honour their commitment to the school, and participate in the activities related to the talent they are selected for years 1 - 4.
Application Procedure

Application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal. Parents can log in to the DSA-Sec portal with SingPass to apply. The application is free-of-charge and will be open in May.
For more details, please refer to MOE website –
2. If you are unable to apply online, approach your child's primary school for assistance. Closing date for DSA application: End May yearly.
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via post by Mid Sep yearly.
Other applicants not studying in MOE mainstream
primary schools. They need to apply for a Registration Number (RGxxxxxxx)
to access the DSA-Sec Portal. Schools may refer them to MOE website at:

Mr Low Yee Fun
Tel: 67671070 ext 363
Ms Sherry Goh
DSA Coordinator
Tel: 67671070 ext 231
General Office
Actualising Sportsmanship Through Table Tennis Programme
Who can apply for DSA?
● All Primary 6 students who meet the selection criteria.
How do I apply?
● Students can apply through the DSA-Sec portal with their parent’s SingPass. Alternatively, students and parents may approach the primary school for assistance.
When and how will I know the results of my application?
● All applicants will be informed of the results of their application by post.
Must my child meet your schools’ minimum cut-off points even if he is selected through DSA for admission to your school?
● Under the DSA-Sec Exercise, participating secondary schools will be able to select a percentage of their students for admission outside of the centralised posting system, via their own selection criteria. As long as your child qualifies the AL requirement, he/she is eligible for admission to our school via DSA.